Program Status Update and Progress Meeting

Marvin Xavierselvan/ January 27, 2017/ News

January 27, 2017 Eighteen members of the P01 Program team met in San Francisco, California to review progress on each Project and the 3 Cores, and shared a meal together. Participants were: University College London Stephen Pereira Pillar Acedo Cleveland Clinic Edward Maytin Sanjay Anand MGH Tayyaba Hasan Imran Rizvi Joe Huang Dartmouth College Brian Pogue Sally Hull Kimberley Samkoe

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P01 Mini-Retreat

Marvin Xavierselvan/ July 6, 2016/ News

July 6, 2016 The meeting time was used to plan the direction of the projects and cores for the next reporting period. The meeting was also focused on developing a plan to integrate Mayo Clinic in Project 2 with UCL. Invited participants include: MGH Tayyaba Hasan Imran Rizvi Joe Huang Sriram Anbil Mans Broekgaarden Yan Baglo Ahmed Alkhateeb Akilan Palanisami Baldeep Gandhi

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Program Status Update and Progress Meeting

Marvin Xavierselvan/ February 12, 2016/ News

February 12, 2016 This meeting was held in San Francisco, CA USA and gathered most of the players involved in the Program Project to update each other on progress that had been made and to discuss plans of the respective teams in their projects for the upcoming year. Invited participants include: MGH Tayyaba Hasan Imran Rizvi Joe Huang Joyce Liu Bryan Spring

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New Clinical Site Meeting

Marvin Xavierselvan/ August 21, 2015/ News

August 21, 2015 At this meeting, participants met to discuss the possibility of adding a new US clinical site to our existing PDT for pancreatic cancer trial. Invited participants include: MGH Tayyaba Hasan Zachary Simpson University College London Stephen Pereira Dartmouth College Brian Pogue Mayo Clinic Ken Wang Lori Lutzke

Program Project Grant Kickoff Meeting in Boston

Marvin Xavierselvan/ March 28, 2015/ News

March 28-29, 2015 Hosted by Dr. Tayyaba Hasan and the Hasan Lab Invited participants include: MGH Tayyaba Hasan Zachary Simpson Imran Rizvi Joe Huang Bryan Spring Cleveland Clinic Edward Maytin Sanjay Anand University College London Stephen Pereira Dartmouth College Brian Pogue Sally Hull Kimberley Samkoe Scott Davis Chad Kanick Mayo Clinic Ken Wang

SPIE Photonics West Meeting in California—2015

Marvin Xavierselvan/ February 7, 2015/ News

Dr. Hasan co-chaired a conference entitled, Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XXIV Dr. Pogue co-chaired a new conference entitled, Molecular-Guided Surgery: Molecules, Devices, and Applications Attended by: Dr. Tayyaba Hasan Dr. Brian Pogue Dr. Edward Maytin Dr. Imran Rizvi Dr. Bryan Spring Dr. Scott Davis Dr. Chad Kanick Dr. Kimberley Samkoe Sally

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