Girgis Obaid and Srivalleesha Mallidi receives the Early Investigator Awards at the 2019 International Photodynamic Association

Laura Maddox/ July 11, 2019/ Uncategorized

Congratulations to Girgis Obaid, PhD. NIH-NCI K99/R00 Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Srivalleesha Mallidi, PhD. Assistant Professor from our lab, have been recognized with the Early Investigator Award at the 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress held in Boston, MA from June 28 – July 04 2019.

Dr. Srivalleesha Mallidi (center-left) and Dr. Girgis Obaid (center-right) receiving 2019 Early Investigator Awards from IPA President, Dr. Luis Arnaut (left) and IPA Past-President, Dr. Tayyaba Hassan (right).

The IPA Early Investigator Award recognizes young researchers and leaders who are up-and-coming ambassadors of photodynamics with fewer than 10 years into their photodynamic therapy (PDT) careers. Recipients demonstrate a commitment and passion for high quality research, creativity, resourcefulness, and integrity, and who in the pursuit of learning, are advancing and promoting PDT and serving the PDT community.

For more information, click here.
Source: GlobeNewswire

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